What is PowerApps User Function and What’s the purpose of it with examples? by PowerApps Mentor

What Is Power Apps User Function?

The User() function in Power Apps is used to retrieve information about the current user of the application. It provides details such as the user’s Full Name, Email Address, EntraObjectId (Always Unique for every User), and Image (Profile Picture).

Purpose of the User() Function

  1. Personalization: Tailor the app experience for individual users, such as displaying their name or profile picture.
  2. Access Control: Determine what features or data a user can access based on their email or role.
  3. Tracking: Record who is performing specific actions within the app (e.g., creating or updating records).
  4. Improved User Experience: Display user-specific content or default values, like pre-filling a form with the current user’s details.



This function returns a record with the following properties:

What Is PowerApps User Functions?
  • User().FullName: The full name of the user.
  • User().Email: The email address of the user.
  • User().Image: A link to the user’s profile picture.
  • User().EntraObjectId: An unique id of current user.


1. Displaying the User’s Name

To display the current user’s full name on a label control:

Current User's Full Name

2. Showing the User’s Email

To show the current user’s email address on label control:

Current User's Email

3. Displaying the User’s EntraObjectId

To display the current user’s EntraObjectId(Unique Id) on a label control:

Current User's EntraObjectId

4. Displaying the User’s Profile Picture

To display the current user’s profile picture in an image control:

Current User's Image


The User() function in Power Apps is a powerful tool for enhancing app personalization, security, and user experience. By providing key details such as the user’s Full Name, Email, EntraObjectId, and Profile picture, it enables developers to create dynamic applications that adapt to the needs of individual users. Whether it’s for displaying user-specific content, implementing access controls, or pre-filling forms with user data, the User() function is an indispensable feature for building intuitive and user-friendly applications in Power Apps.

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